Friday, December 26, 2008


There are certain things you know about yourself , things that are not subject to modesty.. or rather, things which if subjected to modesty would infuriate people around you and get you labelled as being " over-modest", things you wouldn't let anyone raise even an iota of doubt over. For example, Chrtistiano Ronaldo cannot be modest with " Ohh, I am not that good a footballer as you think I am.. It's just that I like playing it " . Or Bill Gates cannot be modest with a " Ohh, no no.. I am not that rich.... just upper middle class " .
I , and many of my fellow mates at college, have some such traits in common - good brains, sharp observational skills, and common sense - the very weapons we use to defend our other not-so-good traits like ... ahem ahem.. OK, for my safety and that of my colleagues, I can't reveal those [:P] ...

Anyways. the point I am trying to make is that inspite of having the above traits and being confident about them, I often find myself at a loss when it comes to knowing about stuff which is embarassingly common-knowledge to most around me. For example, I hated conversations centred around Lehmann Brothers' bankruptcy mainly because although I knew what had happened, the underlying reason was too complicated for my understanding. So I decided to make the most of some free time on my hand and that is the very purpose of this blog and what one would encounter here.... I am a google search freak and I have observed, over the years, that reading through arbitrary google blogs has imparted much more knowledge to me than all the lectures at IIT in the past 3 1/2 years taken together... I have learnt so many things, seen so many facets of current issues, learnt a lot about corporate life etc... and it always makes me yearn for more knowledge.. Such is the power of blogs.... So, this is my way of thanking all the bloggers across the planet.

Here, you shall encounter some geeky stuff which I come across and which I perceive as being worthy of somebody else's reading time....I have embarked upon studying the much-hyped and much discussed facets of Finance and Markets, from the very basics....Its proven very useful to me... So much so that i can now finally stop pretending to read Economic Times in front of my female friends and instead, actually understand the crap written inside .... And however crappy it is, I have discovered that it is so very relevant, something no career-oriented person can stay away from ...

Statutory Warning 1: Geeky stuff, at first sight, can make you feel like you don't stand anywhere in the competitive world. Patience is the key ....

Statutory Warning 2 : I am a novice at whatever I am gonna write about....However, I hope that my explanatory skills come of some use.... So there'll be the unavoidable mistakes, unforgivable errors, blah blah .... Please tolerate the same and bring it to my notice.


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